Thursday, March 24, 2005

Starting Late, Finishing Rich

I was sitting outside a bookstore waiting for a friend when I spotted the advertisement. A middle age man is leaning up against a bench his hair, shiny silver, his woman is lounging on a bench above him, her arm dangling over his shoulder. She is wearing a yellow one piece. Why a one piece and not a bikini? That would be sure to attract a lot more attention. However, a giant life size advertisement with a woman in a bikini might be a bit distasteful for an establishment such as Borders. And if they are trying to sell the books in such states as Idaho or Oklahoma, surely the bikini would be an affront to family values. So a one piece had to do, at least it was yellow. The man is obviously a man of leisure laid back, sitting over giant block letters that read START LATE, FINISH RICH. In bright red with white bold face type it says START FRESH. Fresh?

Next to the Start Late Finish Rich advertisement is a sign for Body for Life. I wonder which one you would be more likely to be successful at if you bought the books? Getting a body of a five foot seven model when you are only five foot two or waiting until you are old and then suddenly achieving multi-millionaire status. Do these people know something we don't and if they do why are we not all amazingly good looking and wealthy?

The only person getting rich off Start Late is the author and maybe a few other yokels at the publishing agency. If only it were that easy, then we’d all be wealthy wearing yellow one-pieces and posing for some book cover on some random Carribean island.

I wonder if anyone has actually gotten rich from the advice of a book? What would he or she be like? Maybe I should buy both and get a two for one deal: get rich and lose weight! I could solve multiple problems and then I might not need all of those other self-help books or maybe I’ll need another one: How to handle getting everything you ever wanted. No, maybe I could write that book, after reading these two, and becoming an instant success. Further proving that one can indeed get rich, beautiful, smart, confident, and find the man of her dreams all from a book.

But I digress. In a few weeks Start late and Finish Rich will make itself onto the bestseller’s list, up there with The South Beach Diet and He’s just not that into you. As I sit here alone, enjoying my dark chocolate bar and listening to my new Ipod I bought with my credit card.

1 comment:

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Those advertising agencies are liars I tell you!